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I/We Shall Not Be Moved

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 8:50 pm (Singapore time)

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Normally Miss Loi would have been incensed by the irresponsible idiot who performed this hit & run on her car.

Hit & Run

But then again, this little dent (ok it’s more than a dent) seems minuscule compared to the fates of thousands of cars (and lives) following the massive earthquake in Japan.

Thus she could only hope that this incident (with its hefty repair bill … grrr …) will serve to bring an end to a difficult month – a month that oversaw a bout of illness, a family bereavement and, to a lesser extent, ongoing renovation woes.

But then again, hundreds of thousands of others are having it much, much worse.

Japan Earthquake Tsunami b

As a frequent visitor (and shopper) to Japan, she can only pray for all in the land that has given her many ideas and inspirations in the past (as evident throughout this blog).

And with random stories like these coming through, she has faith that with typically strong moral and social foundations in place, everyone will pull through this ordeal …

You will survive any earthquake (and O Level maths problem)
as long as your (maths) foundation is strong

… even though there may not be a single cherry blossoming tree left standing by the waterside for now … 🙁

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