
The shadows were long this morning while students battled the AMaths monster (a new breed of Kaiju which no one had faced before) on Day 2 of O Level Halloween Week.
As I flitted along under The Temple Gates, distant “screams” from many voices stung my unearthly ears …
Regardless of what happened this morning, here’s the list of possible topics to attack and finish off the monster that is AMaths Paper 2 tomorrow:
- Simultaneous Equations
- Surds & Indices
- Logarithms
- Sum & Product of Roots
- Remainder & Factor Theorem
- Curves & Circles
- Plane Geometry
- Trigonometric Graphs & Functions
- Further Trigonometry (incl. R-Formulae)
- Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (incl. questions involving differentiation & graphs)
- Integration (incl. “hence” question involving differentiation followed by integration)
- Area of a Region
- Kinematics
As for those of you who simply need to get it off your troubled minds, here what I found when I floated to my Mistress‘ desk.
Click the button and grab it here if you dare …
Access it here if you’re having trouble accessing it on Facebook using your state-of-the-art smartphone 🙁
As usual, please, please leave a comment should you spot any mistake in the solution.
Notes from my Mistress:
- Before you ask questions like “I lost x marks in Paper 2, can I still get A1/A2/B3/B4/pass?” or “What is the cutoff for A1/A2/B3/B4/C5/C6/D7/E8/F9 this year?”, please understand that Miss Loi is NOT the Bell Curve Goddess.
- Please also understand that, unless things have changed, there is no half-mark awarded in O-Level Maths. Also it is nigh impossible for ECF if the part involved only carries 1 mark.
Good luck on your battle against AMaths Paper 2 – the last thing standing between you and mathematical freedom! Boo!
P.S. Last but not least, this could be especially helpful to those of you whose “hit-points” may be running low after this battle-intensive week.
Thankful for the answer ! Really needed that extra motivation ! hehehe its quite nice of yo and it really matters (:
@WENZ: Arigato gozaimasu! *bows profusely*
Will there be ECF for amath if lets say there's two to three part to the qeustion and they each carry say 3,5,2 marks respectively.thank you!
@Toby: It'll ultimately depend on the marking bible called the Mark Scheme which allocates the number of method marks (if any) to each part.
Hi! Thanks for the answers! For Qn5, i drew a best fit line with the last value as my "incorrect recording" (Really careless mistake :/) Yet i managed to get the answer for part ii and iii of the question. Is it possible to get some marks at least?
@Jae: Umm ... for Q5(ii) how did you manage to arrive at the estimated value of the third recording, which is presumed by you to be correct as you've selected the last value to be the "incorrect recording"?
For Q5(iii) you got the same 1/v-intercept value despite drawing a graph with a likely different gradient? Note that the allowable variation in the answers may be tight since we are dealing with reciprocal values for this part.
🙁 is it a must to rationalise the answer in question Q2?
I left the answer as 1/√26. How much marks will be deducted from that?
I left out Q11 b) because i thought the answer for part a is weird and i am running out of time.
@Spyti: Unfortunately, as Sgt Loi has screamed in the past, rationalising is part of the process to arrive at the final answer involving surds. But there shouldn't be anything more than 1 mark allocated for this.
Hi. For the linear law question, they asked us to estimate f. May we take the u and v values to evaluate f because that's what I did.
@Han Quan: If you meant to say that you simply plucked a pair of experimental values for u and v from the table to sub into
to find f,then no.
f has to be estimated from the graph which is the best representation of the relationship between 1/u & 1/v based on all the recordings in the table (notwithstanding the incorrect one), which is why we apply linear law in the first place 😉
@Miss Loi: Regarding my question on u and v, if I took the 1/u and 1/v values (not the ones from the question) to calculate, is that possible too? I did not have the space to draw until the intercepts.
Guess for these kind of questions... It also pays to have good judgement for the scale of the graph if they did not state the scale. 🙂
@Han Quan: Personally, Miss Loi thinks it's acceptable to pick a pair of u & v values along the line of your graph provided your graph is accurate enough with a gradient of (or very, very close to) −1. But again, this ultimately depends on the mark scheme.
And yes, can really feel your frustration the moment you realised that you didn't "plan" for the 1/v-intercept in part(iii)!