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The Last Massage

Tuition given in the topic of E-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:16 pm (Singapore time)

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Klang Bak Kut Teh

Authentic Klang Bak Kut Teh
(N.B. pepper soup they are NOT)

Let’s spin a globe
Find a place to go
Travel the world
We’ll take it slow
We’ll be as one
Everywhere we go
Under the stars
Our hearts will grow
As we move on impulse~!!

Heeding the imploring appeal from a track on Ah Lian DJ Loi’s playlist, Miss Loi decided on a ‘quickie’ getaway last week, to give herself a break after five months of non-stop joss sticks sessions, before the June holidays come to hammer present her with yet more grueling joss sticks sessions till the end of the year.

The ‘spin’ of the globe this time, however, brought her only as far as the neighbouring country to the north, and after stopping for a meal of bak kut teh at its spiritual home, she soon arrived at her final destination.

By The Sea

By the sea

A place by the sea …

Water's Edge

Living on the edge

A retreat for her senses …

Staring At The Sea

Staring at the sea … staring at the sand …

A place where she would find relaxation and escape from maddening students crowds …

Avillion Pool

Four’s already a crowd

And thus after dumping her luggage in her room, she wasted no time in heading straight for the spa beside her chalet to treat herself to a bit of holistic goodness and rejuvenate her body, mind and soul.

Avi Spa

The Spa

Opting for an 1-hour session of their signature massage using their top-of-the-line aromatherapy signature oil, she soon found herself lying prone on a soft, narrow bed high above the sea.

Before long, top-of-the-line signature essential oil was being applied on her bare back, gently flowing across her body in harmony with the soothing piped-in spa music, a teasing precursor of what was to come.

Water Beneath The Spa

Forgot to bring camera to spa
so this ‘blissful’ image will have to do

And then she was in spa heaven.

A chorus of gratitudes greeted her from every sore muscle in her svelte frame, as the masseur skillfully kneaded away the tight knots from back to front and head to toe.

For an hour, she was truly at one with her innermost senses. The worldly rigours of joss sticks sessions seemed so far away, and all that seemed to matter was the gentle strokes of the masseur and the sound of the waves slapping the stilts below. In fact, so tranquil was the experience that she even forgot (albeit temporarily) how to factorize quadratic equations and solve simultaneous equations with two unknowns.

Finished, Mdm.

It was over, all too soon.

Oh how she yearned for it to last just a little bit longer, to enjoy the feeling of being pampered once more – a sensation that would surely be but a distant fantasy when she returned to pamper coach her students at The Temple … and so …

Ooh your massage was heavenly! May I extend for another hour?

Thank you Mdm. Let me check with counter first. One moment please …

*dials phone*

[Translated from Bahasa Melayu]

Counter … counter … Room #123 wants to extend 1 hour. Boleh?

Nona, a Datuk is coming for massage later and our signature oil is running low.

You may extend your session but make sure you have at least 2 cm depth of oil left in your jar at the end of your session, because Datuk is XXXL size!

With that, the masseur Nona informed the eternally-grateful Miss Loi that her session had been extended, and proceeded to pour more oil on her back, carefully leaving just about 4 cm depth of oil in her conical jar ‘just to be safe’.

When Nona was finished with pouring the oil and placed the jar upright on the table, a sudden horrifying realization dawned upon her and she frantically dialed the phone again.

Counter! Counter! Your 2 cm depth of oil is measured from the tip or base of the jar?!

Alamak! Of course from the base lah! You goondu or what?!

Inverted oil jar

Diagram I

The conical jar has a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 8 cm and is currently left with a depth of 4 cm of oil when inverted, as shown in Diagram I.

    1. Find the volume of oil in the jar, in terms of π.
    2. Find the surface area of the jar that is in contact with the oil.
  1. When the jar is placed upright (see Diagram II), calculate the depth h of the oil in the jar.
Upright oil jar

Diagram II

Hence let Nona know if this is going to be her last massage at the spa.

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