
GCE A Level 2012 Oct/Nov H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1 Suggested Answers & Solutions

Tuition given in the topic of H1/H2 (A Level) Maths Tutor from the desk of The Higher Council at 9:09 pm (Singapore time)

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It’s my annual hello to all of you again.

While my sister has churned out her O Level A/E-Maths solutions with much fanfare, here’s my little contribution to all our A Level comrades this year.

Click the Like button and grab it here!

Latest version:

  • 1.1:

    Q6(iii) – amended working step n = lg1000/lg2 to compare 29 = 512 and 210 = 1024, in order to comply strictly with the “No Calculator” requirement in this question.
    Q11(i) – improved descriptions of the tangents (sorry couldn’t write straight that night *sigh*)

GCE A Level 2012 H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1 Solutions
Access it here if you’re having trouble accessing it on Facebook using your state-of-the-art smartphone 🙁

As usual, all yim yim jim jim scrutinizers please leave a gentle comment should you spot any mistake in this set of suggested solutions, which was produced well after my last class at the end of my tiring day *rubs eyes*

Now go revise your

  • AP/GP
  • Integration by parts/substitution/ Volume of revolutions
  • Summatioon (Method of Difference)
  • Complex Numbers (Argand diagram)

All the best for your Paper 2!

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