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Inglourious *BEEP* Chapter One: The Crazy Cold Storage Aunty

Tuition given in the topic of E-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:06 pm (Singapore time)

Based on a true story …

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5

Scene 6

Scene 7

Scene 8

Scene 9

Scene 10

Scene 11

Given that Miss Loi’s body fluid level F (in units) is inversely proportional to the square of the time t (in seconds),

  1. Which one of the graphs below could represent the relation between F and t?

    Variation Graph Options

  2. Find the percentage change in F when t is tripled.
  3. Given that Miss Loi’s fluid level F is dangerously low at 0.1 units when t=70 seconds, and that irreversible wrinkles and damage will occur on her silky smooth skin when F falls to half of this value, find

    1. the equation connecting F and t,
    2. the time t when Miss Loi needs to start drinking her barley water without paying , or kick the Crazy Aunty away with her 无影脚.

Must be the Curse of Sadako Loi taking effect 🙁

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