Amid the ubiquitous images of F1 cars zipping through the pages of today’s Sunday Times, you’ll find a million-dollar link on the front page
to a million-dollar article on page 12,
about million-dollar tutors and their supposed million-dollar salaries,
where, according to the solitary source, there are whisperings of a secretive Million Dollar Round Table of Tutors, like the legendary King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table.

Mic sold separately for sessions of >70 students.
Reading through the article, however, the math doesn’t seem to add up, as none of the figures put forth (from those of that champion economics tutor mass lecturer to the relatively tiny classes of yours truly) are anywhere near that magic number.
In any case, with the ‘O’ Levels looming in a month’s time, Miss Loi had better focus on her teaching her flock of 160 students who sometimes like to ‘fly Miss Loi’s aeroplane’ rather than ponder about monetary fantasies, and be contented with her life as a thousannaire just like all everyone else.
*wipes sweat from forehead*
But in any case, a warm welcome from Jφss Sticks to all Sunday Times readers , but too bad there’s no sexy maths tutor photo of her this time!
*clears throat*
Now that I’ve seen them,
👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿
*tidies hair*
The suspiciously white rectangular bit in this picture hides the words "(77)".
@mathslover: Oops Miss Loi's camera lens is acting up again. Time for a new camera 😛
77? Umm ... your X-ray-capable bionic eyes may have missed the two horizontal lines below that makes it ... '22'. Hur hur hur.
Hi there Ms Loi,
Just a qn ... 90 for E.M and 85 for A.M is an a1 ?
That's super high.
How can i improve my grade for A.M ?
@Gina: Hello Gina and welcome to Jφss Sticks.
To be reeeally honest, Miss Loi is not sure so it's more of a "better be safe than sorry" thingy.
Given the current competitive and foreign cyborgs-entrenched situation where everyone's doing their utmost and gunning for full marks, it's safe to assume that moderation can be rather severe at the top end, esp if the papers are easy.
Besides, it's creepy when Miss Loi has seen some students 'losing only a few marks here and there, due to reasons like forgetting to leave answers in 3 sig. fig. etc.' (assuming it was really only a few marks) and ended up scoring an A2 🙁
Also, How can i improve from c6 to b3 for A.M ?
@Gina: some thousandare will definitely ask you join her joss stick session, 🙂
@TJK: Spelling mistake! Please learn to spell the word thousannaire properly! Minus mark! 😛
@Miss Loi: ouch. my bad. but that will not cost me any mark in mathematics 🙂
@Gina: In general, besides the big P-word (i.e. practice - if you're taking your 'O' Levels soon, you're deep into your TYS now are you?) to improve, you'll also have to ask yourself these questions. (please replace the word 'failing' over there with any word of your choice)
I do practice enough, but careless mistakes are taking away the marks i deserved. Eg: substituting the value of x in f(x), polynomial, partial fraction ...
Would it be better if i copy the question again on the paper, before trying to sub in values ?
@Gina: FYI, copying the question again not only takes up precious time, but the vicious cycle of careless mistakes can manifest further should you copy the question wrongly *bleah*, especially when you're nervous.
Would reading through the question at least twice and underlining the key words/expressions and critical steps in your question/workings be better for you?
Is your source of careless mistakes limited to just substituting the wrong values (as you've identified), or do they occur randomly in other areas?
In maths, careless mistakes are often made when students jump in without reading the question fully. Even pressing the wrong buttons on the calculators contribute to a major chunk of careless mistakes these days.
Often, a lot of this has to do with anxiety, which can be reduced (if not eliminated) through practicing to a point where you're confident of your approach and as a result be able to pace yourself comfortably throughout the paper - allocating enough time to read the questions properly and a little more extra time to go slightly slower on those careless mistake-prone areas that you've identified, and finally leave enough time for that all-important final check-through.
@Miss Loi: Alright, thank you for the advice 🙂
I am just thinking to copy the equation in the paper, not the whole question. As i tend to skip workings by doing it mentally in my head :/