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How To Sketch A Cubic Function (Realistically)

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:06 pm (Singapore time)

Yet another entry to the Hall Of Fame of legendary math answers.

A REAL Cubic Function


Taking into account the rest of the notorious classics, Miss Loi can’t help but lament the fact that all these ‘works of art’ are coming from overseas students. Do Singaporeans in general really lack creativity and spontaneity?

Sometimes on a hot and boring day, Miss Loi secretly hopes (in a naughty way of course) that she’ll be entertained by stuffs like these from some of her students but so far they have all ‘failed’ her 🙂 Maybe that’s because she’s too fierce for them to try something like this :P.

Even when you know you’re doomed, at least try to have the last word ok?


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  1. Mossie`Ol Chin's Avatar
    Mossie`Ol Chin commented in tuition class


    I think generally the system tell us to get the correct answer and not make a wild guess... further, the system also tell us that if we do something extra ordinary, we will be penalized!

    get what i mean? there's certainly no room for expression... maybe, not no room, just not enough room..

  2. Miss Loi's Avatar
    Miss Loi Friend Miss Loi on Facebook @MissLoi commented in tuition class


    We should know that in our system ZERO is the absolute lowest one can get, whether one writes nothing or some nonsense. At this point one should appreciate he or she is already in that beautiful 'Nothing to Lose' trance-like state.

    We must remind ourselves that we're not in some game show where we get zero marks for not answering, and a negative score for the wrong answer. And being who we are, most will remain silent and be contented with zeros all our lives.

  3. Josh's Avatar
    Josh commented in tuition class


    That's not a function. Incorrect domain and range. F-

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