UPDATE: For those of you searching for exam timetables, Jφss Sticks’ 2010 ‘O’ Level & ‘A’ Level exam timetables are now available for download straight into your personal organizer (i.e. Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar etc.)!
Disclaimers apply – please read the paragraphs below the download links before you click!
According to the Mayan calendar and a movie, the World will end in 2012.
But according to the SEAB, a cataclysmic event may will strike earlier for some on 29 October 2010.
That’s because in the just-released 2010 GCE ‘O’ Level exam timetable for Singapore, whoever in charge of planning it has aligned the Mathematical and Scientific constellations closer together to result in a very, very, very, very, very Last-Minute Buddha Foot Huggers-unfriendly

when dreary-eyed AMaths students at the end of The Week of Mathematical Armageddon (2010 Edition) will find themselves with a marathon series of back-to-back-to-back papers of AMaths Paper 1 (previous day’s afternoon), AMaths Paper 2 (morning) and, of all subjects, a Chemistry or Combined Science written paper in the afternoon!
Behold, for there shall be a Great Tribulation
such has not been seen in many O-Level examinations.
Woe to those who believe till the end
that they themselves are Iron Men.
Burning their midnight oil the night before,
but doomed to fall by the hundreds in the exam halls
under the dark skies of Black Friday.
The price to pay for their Last-Minute Buddha Foot Hugging ways.
Yes, for the ‘chosen’ ones, it will be your first day of waking up early. (after many days of afternoon papers)
There will be no time to squeeze the entire AMaths and Science syllabus together in that few hours the night before.
There will be no time to ‘stretch’ yourselves by doing ‘more’ AMaths questions the night before.
There may not even be time for Miss Loi & Little Miss Loi to do a last-minute 双剑合壁 joss sticks session the night before!
Oh yes it’s BRUTAL! It’s CRUEL! It’s SADISTIC!
But instead of cursing the idiot who set the timetable whining, aim to complete your Ten-Year Series and know your topics by heart before the English paper starts, as you’ll need a clear mind for morning’s AMaths (with only enough time to quickly run through the topics absent from Paper 1 the day before) and somehow retain the spirit to recall stuff for your Science in the afternoon.
So if you’re currently on course to be a life-time honorary member of this club,

There are still >7 months left to cover 4 years’ worth of work. And Miss Loi shall leave you with a scary quote she found in a local forum for you to bring along to your camps in this March Holidays:
What I know for last year’s Emaths,
70 plus – C5,
88 – B3,
2 mistakes – A2.Combined Science, around 80 – B3.
the quote is fake
I made like 4 or 5 mistakes in last year O level EM still get A1
either is the quote is fake or miss loi answer is not reliable
former is more true
OMG, so glad I'm not taking O's this year ><
TJK: It's hard to tell. But Miss Loi suspects that you've shown your steps and workings clearly in your papers.
As such, your 4-5 mistakes were probably 'saved' by your workings and ultimately cost you little marks (that's why it's important to write something and not leave blank even if you can't obtain e.g. the final proof).
Also maybe your 4-5 mistakes were all there was, while others who claimed to have 'only 1-2 mistakes' actually had 'hidden gremlins' resulting in marks deducted here and there due to workings, carelessness etc.
The list of 'maybe's goes on but it's always best to err on the side of caution ala 宁可信其有,不可信其无.
clarion: While you revel in your luck, Miss Loi is still scratching her head over how to incorporate 轻功 and angsana tree into the story 🙁
to miss loi: point taken..... sometimes working marks saved us.......
wow. i miss the 2009 edition. =D ah.
cy, don't worry you'll get your 2011 Advanced Edition soon enough 😉
Great Peace of article I like it. I did my schooling in 2005 and it really feels great when I listen to these topics.