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Stupid Haze, Stupid Kerb, Stupid JB Car

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:17 am (Singapore time)

It has been a bad couple of days as far as Miss Loi’s Car is concerned.

First, fresh and shiny from a morning car wash, she was caught moments later in one of those brief 10-minute shower that served no purpose whatsoever in the grand scheme of things except to make the roads wet, soak Miss Loi’s Charles & Keith shoes, and cover her shiny car with bits and pieces of Indonesia (courtesy of the haze):

Gift From Indonesia

Aftermath of an Indonesian meteor shower on car’s roof

On the following day, an illegally-parked JB car, a stubborn Toyota Rush (no, judging from the two burly uncles sitting inside, it’s unlikely to be this one belonging to this prominent Pingster ), an oddly-protruding kerb, and some sublime driving on Miss Loi’s part combined to leave a heartbreaking scratch on her shiny chrome wheel.

Scratched Rim

Sorry, no detailed account or diagrams of what happened this time as the reputation of Singapore’s entire population of lady drivers is at stake here!

Feeling upset about the whole incident, she went to the car wash again the next morning, hoping that by getting the car clean and shiny again will go some ways in alleviating the heartache that she was suffering.

Fresh and shiny from the car wash, she was caught moments later in ANOTHER brief 10-minute shower that made the roads wet, soaked her Charles & Keith shoes, and covered her car once again with more bits and pieces from Indonesia. 🙁

Gift From Indonesia

Aftermath of ANOTHER Indonesian meteor shower on car’s roof

Hence deduce, by Mathematical Induction or otherwise, that there’s a jinx it has been a bad couple of days for Miss Loi’s car.

Think she’d better just focus on her maths tuition 🙁

P.S. On another note, in accordance with some supposed internet ‘best practices’, all feed subscription links have been pushed up to the top right portion of this blog (hence that new cutesy ‘lil stamp). If you’ve enjoyed reading her nonsense articles, show Miss Loi (and the cutesy stamp) some love by subscribing to her feeds to get instantly notified via email for eternity whenever she posts an entry okay? 😉


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  1. nicole's Avatar
    nicole commented in tuition class


    Poor car... =(

    I think the rims can be saved, I recall hearing my friends (those who drive) can get it fixed though, although u need to leave at the workshop 🙂

    Think it cost about ~$40 and above? (Depending on the extent of the scratches)

  2. imp's Avatar
    imp commented in tuition class


    oh dear. it really really wasn't your day. ugh. hope no more of these in a long long time to come.

  3. Miss Loi's Avatar
    Miss Loi Friend Miss Loi on Facebook @MissLoi commented in tuition class


    Nicole: Yes Miss Loi has actually got this fixed before ... and yes you've guessed it - this is the second time it got scratched - some more it's on the same rim! With her 'sublime' driving skills, maybe it's better to let it accumulate more scratches before sending it to the workshop.

    Imp: Actually still pretty mad at the JB car and that Toyota Rush, but at the end of the day Miss Loi only has herself to blame 🙁

  4. makelovenotexams's Avatar
    makelovenotexams commented in tuition class


    Miss Loi, I would like to suggest that if your tire looked like the photo again, simply drive to a petrol station, deflate the tire in concern by pressing down on the valve, and when the tire has gone soft, use a screwdriver to tuck the rubber back into the wheel again. Lastly, inflate the tire and off you go. If in doubt, there are station attendants who may be able to help.

  5. Miss Loi's Avatar
    Miss Loi Friend Miss Loi on Facebook @MissLoi commented in tuition class


    MLNE: Thanks for your advice. But the tyre didn't come loose. It looked a little 'jutting out' coz of this 'rim protector' design which clearly didn't work 🙁

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